To wrap up this year’s anniversary week, the EHN team would like to showcase three essays featuring the life world of plants, animals, and water.

To wrap up this year’s anniversary week, the EHN team would like to showcase three essays featuring the life world of plants, animals, and water.
In an era marked by a pressing global climate crisis and alarming rates of biodiversity loss, natural history museums stand out as beacons of hope in our collective struggle against environmental degradation.
I no longer think that science holds little or no bias. Through entrenching heteronormativity and patriarchy, biases hurt not only the queer community but all communities, because they display a skewed image of reality. But perhaps there is hope in stories such as the Orca’s Song, where an osprey and an orca can be wives.
Throughout the past 150 years, the Peel underwent drastic changes due to drainage projects, turf-cutting, and animal farming. The new materialities these uses produced can make one almost forget that this used to be a peatland. However, Jeroen, an ornithologist, remarked upon the black waters surrounding grassland areas in the Peel. He argued that in these nutrient poor pools, the peatland was “peeking through” the fabric of the present-day landscape. The multiple pasts of the Peel were still present in the landscape’s materialities.
Among the varied significations circulating around the petroleum-powered car, the commodity has operated as a salient vehicle for expressions and tools of hetero-masculinity.
While watching The Handmaid’s Tale, I could not help but think about how many acts of cruelty against women, the LGBTQIA+ community, and marginalised people are actually the norm in a number of societies.
In mid-March of 2020, a storytelling strain tore through the internet–what a New York Times reporter dubbed the “Coronavirus Nature Genre.”
Disease, death, and pollution are not the first words that usually come to mind when thinking about colour.