In recent weeks, we have continued to see the residual impacts of climate change. And while tumultuous weather conditions—hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, snowstorms, and the like—have become a hot topic in our changing climate, there is perhaps little discussion about the role that the sacred and spiritual play in how we grapple with shifting landscapes, vulnerable populations, and what we can only predict may be worsening living conditions.
Tag: research
Like A Grain Of Sand
Doing research on dunes is like being a grain of sand in a very wide beach; there are so many factors to consider and so many ways of looking at them.
Pertenencias interdisciplinares
Usaré este espacio para recoger algunas reflexiones personales sobre la práctica decolonial y participativa de la Historia Ambiental – así como mi pertenencia disciplinar.
Dirty Knowings: What Afro-Texan Women Tell Us About Archiving
Much of what we consider to be early radical first wave feminist work does not go beyond written texts. Hoping to disrupt this trend, I contend, however, that there is a different, much dirtier text, being written upon by those women who would never be given access to paper and pen. They would write their legacies in the ground.
Writing Home into Environmental History
Practices of domesticity and the spaces of homes must be included in our conversations of place and environment.
Advice for Planning and Conducting Archival Research
In memory of the pre-pandemic world, when historians were still able to conduct archival research, I created a checklist based on my own experience.