Unbeknownst to many, beneath the surface, an intricate network of calcified entanglements emerges, encapsulating fragments of our material history from both past and present, woven together by the mundane acts of flushing, washing, and draining.
Environmental History Now.
Swimming with Trash in the Caribbean
Since I was a child, my family has always avoided the annoyance of waiting for the trash collector by using natural means during the rainy periods.
John Sloan’s ‘Dust Storm, Fifth Avenue,’ and the Environmental Implications of Industrialized New York City
American painting has continuously investigated the relationship between the citizens of the United States and their natural landscape.
On Jeff VanderMeer’s ‘This World is Full of Monsters’: Queer Ecology as a Pathway to Queer Embodiment
Through the lens of queer ecology, I want to explore how Jeff VanderMeer envisions queer inhabitation of the Earth, queer embodiment, and queer coexistence with the nonhuman in ways that challenge binary ideologies and hierarchies.
When Extinction Came to Disney World
The dusky seaside sparrow was a small songbird once abundant within a small range in Southern Florida.
On Sustainability and Solidarity
As Time Magazine wrote in late 2021, labor unions are “having a moment.” Precarious conditions that have long been the norm have become both more prominent and more severe.