Tidings for the New Year

From all of us at EHN, we hope that you had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. 

As you might have heard, Elizabeth Hameeteman has decided to step back from EHN for personal reasons. A short personal note from our founder: 

When I started EHN over five years ago, I could not have imagined that it would grow into the platform that it is today. EHN was, and still is, a way for me to connect with like-minded people and to find a sense of community. It is a way to show that environment-related work and the expertise of graduate students and early career scholars who identify as women, trans and/or nonbinary people are relevant and important.

The goal has been to highlight the multilingual and interdisciplinary scholarship of this group of scholars from around the world, and to bring it to a wider audience. My hope is that EHN will continue to be a source of inspiration, support, and collaborative scholarship for scholars and practitioners working on environmental topics of all kinds in the following years. It will be a little difficult to let go since EHN has been such a big part of my life, but I know it’s the right decision at this point in time. More than anything, I am grateful for our contributors to have entrusted EHN with their insights on research, interests, and academic life in honest, authentic ways–and for the incredible EHN team that has helped along the way. And of course, a big thanks to all of you–our readers–for sharing and supporting EHN’s mission. Here’s to many more years to come!

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In moving forward, EHN will be going through a gradual transition phase with a core team of dedicated individuals. They will help to restructure EHN so that it lasts beyond any one individual’s involvement. We would like to introduce the core team here:

Anna Guasco: Executive Content Editor
Alyssa Kreikemeier: Executive Review Editor
Emma Moesswilde: Outreach Coordinator
Ramya Swayamprakash: Executive Fundraiser
Genie Yoo: Editor-in-Chief

We’re very grateful that Lívia Regina Batista, Trang Dang, Bava Dharani, Natascha Otoya, Evelyn Ramiel, Morgan P. Vickers, Emily Webster, and Natalie Wilkinson will also continue to be a part of EHN.

Like Elizabeth, Diana Valencia Duarte will be moving on too. She has been a part of the team since September 2020. We’re thankful for all the time and effort she has put into EHN. Wishing you all the best, Diana!

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From now on, EHN will be working under a quarter system. We will be releasing a call for pitches on our social media accounts and our website in the beginning of every quarter. So please submit your pitches for possible essays at whatever stage they may be in!

Once we receive your pitch, our content and review editors will then collaborate with individual writers to help prepare the piece for publication for the following quarter. There is a lot of flexibility built in and a wonderful group of people who are here to help.

We are excited to launch EHN’s new quarter system very soon and to continue this journey with you all!

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If you have any questions or suggestions as we navigate the upcoming transition, please feel free to reach out at contact@envhistnow.com.

*Cover image: Lake Mead (July 2017). Photo by Ramya Swayamprakash.

[*Cover image description: Window view from airplane over a lake, with the plane wing in the top right corner.]