Isabelle Gapp on Ecocritical Art History

Today, we’re excited to share the NiCHE Conversations episode in which EHN contributor Isabelle Gapp talks about the painted landscapes of Lake Superior by the Group of Seven and how this work can be situated within a broader, ecocritical framework.

This conversation with Jessica DeWitt is based on Isabelle’s article on NiCHE, “Water in the Wilderness? Rethinking the Canadian Group of Seven,” in which she offers a coastal and ecological perspective on the Group of Seven’s paintings. It also discusses her related article in the Journal of Canadian Studies, “Water in the Wilderness: The Group of Seven and the Coastal Identity of Lake Superior.”

For more on Isabelle’s work, see also “Galvanizing Glaciology: Thoughts on an Ecocritical Art History” here on EHN.

*Cover image: Franklin Carmichael – Snow Flurries, North Shore of Lake Superior (1930), WikiCommons.

[*Cover image description: A watercolour painting of a lake with hills in the foreground and painted in shades of dark purple and blue. Streaks of falling snow emerge from the cloud-filled sky and cross the composition in sharp diagonals.]