Employed for the eight or so months before the monsoons hit, in 1789, saltworkers called malangis toiled in the Roymangal Agency at the heart of the Bengal Delta.
Environmental History Now.
Digital Cowboys
The virtual landscapes found in video games can be breathtaking wonders, terrifying and treacherous ruins that make players’ hearts race, or just a cross section of soil strata players can navigate with a pickaxe.
The International Regime on Climate Change: On Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities
To understand the politics of climate change and international efforts to address the issue, there is a concept of paramount importance: the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDRRC).
A Healing Hillock, or a True “Magic Mountain”? On Defining the Locations of Tuberculosis Treatment
Tuberculosis in the nineteenth century was a big business in the British Empire. With the development of mineral spa towns in Australia, the promulgation of localities deemed to be the most suitable for the treatment of tuberculosis “meant there was no slow accretion of legend or folk medicine… it was always self-consciously scientific” in how sites were appraised and described.