When I decided to write my PhD thesis on the history of the nuclear Rhine in the summer of 2018, the front pages of the newspapers were dominated by news of the record summer and that several nuclear power plants on the Rhine had to be shut down.

When I decided to write my PhD thesis on the history of the nuclear Rhine in the summer of 2018, the front pages of the newspapers were dominated by news of the record summer and that several nuclear power plants on the Rhine had to be shut down.
The roles into which humans have cast animals are innumerable. From ancient creation myths to premodern folktales of animal-wives and animal-husbands, to Disney’s anthropomorphised mascots, human culture around the globe is inextricable from the animal.
It has become quite a cliché to observe that rivers are important to the wellbeing of human societies around the world, but what exactly is this importance?
Employed for the eight or so months before the monsoons hit, in 1789, saltworkers called malangis toiled in the Roymangal Agency at the heart of the Bengal Delta.
The virtual landscapes found in video games can be breathtaking wonders, terrifying and treacherous ruins that make players’ hearts race, or just a cross section of soil strata players can navigate with a pickaxe.