Alice Would on Victorian Taxidermy

Today, we’re excited to share the NiCHE Conversations episode in which EHN contributor Alice Would talks about the value of Victorian taxidermy as sensory history.

This conversation with Jessica DeWitt is based on Alice’s EHN article that NiCHE crossposted, “Sensing Victorian Taxidermy in the Present,” on getting a better understanding of the sensory nature of the craft and its entangled materialities through hands-on experience.

Note: turn on closed captions.

For more on Alice’s work, see also her #PhDone interview on the Historians at Bristol blog and her contribution to a post celebrating recent grads here on EHN.

*Cover image: Victorian Taxidermy Bird Display at Staten Island Museum, Flickr.

[*Cover image description: an antique display cabinet filled with small taxidermied birds and dried flowers and grasses.]