
If you have ideas for a piece on environmental history or environmental humanities, broadly conceived, please email us at We’re eager to include new voices, especially from graduate students and early career scholars who identify as women, trans and/or nonbinary people. We welcome submissions on a wide range of environment-related topics in any language.

Contributors might also consider submitting a piece to one of our ongoing series:
*Problems of Place: a series in which contributors talk about the importance of community, connection, and belonging. The goal is to generate open, honest dialogue about issues frequently relegated within academic conversations, particularly the personal challenges that scholars face in trying to ground one’s self and scholarship while remaining committed to research and professional development.
*Politics of Nature: a series to showcase the diverse and complex experiences people have with environments, and to illustrate the ways in which thinking about, writing about, and acting for or within nature has affected them.
*Field Notes: a series to exchange ideas and experiences in navigating the academic world.
*Tools for Change: a series to showcase the work and expertise of practitioners and scholars who identify as women, trans and/or non binary people who do environment-related work in innovative and sustainable ways.
*Doing Environmental History: a Tools for Change series to gather resources, share knowledge, and provide practical advice for engaging in the work of environmental history. 

If you’re interested in sharing a piece on EHN, send an email to introducing yourself & an idea.

For more information, please see our Guidelines for Contributors or Style Sheet for Editors.