Style Sheet for Editors

Specifications for Written Submissions

Basic Style

  • Use the serial comma (representation, engagement, and community).
  • Use one space rather than two after all punctuation.
  • Use em dashes to set off text (while these leaders—most of whom were from Europe—wasted no time) and en dashes in number and date ranges (33-87).
  • Use double quotation marks for quotes and single marks for quotes within quotes.
  • Commas and periods go inside quotation marks.
  • When making two names possessive, use an apostrophe with only the second.
  • Names ending in -s should use a single apostrophe to be made possessive (James’ paper).
  • Ellipses should appear in brackets and with no spaces within the brackets, e.g., […].
  • If there are certain key concepts important to a contributor’s work that do not have a direct English equivalent, keep the term in its original language where possible. A word or phrase in a language other than English does not need to be italicized in a written piece. If a translation is included, put it in brackets immediately following the original term.
  • Grammar may be “imperfect” for purposeful stylistic reasons; please check with authors before correcting grammar if it may be technically “imperfect” for style and/or effect.
  • Capitalize Black when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; capitalize Indigenous in reference to original inhabitants of a place. This is aligned with capitalization practices applied for other racial and ethnic identifiers.


  • Spell out whole numbers zero through one hundred, and round multiples of those numbers, such as “three thousand.”
  • If multiple numbers appear close together in the same sentence or paragraph, maintain consistency, using either numerals or words for all numbers.
  • Decades or centuries do not take an apostrophe before the -s (the 1990s).

Abbreviations and Acronyms

  • For unfamiliar acronyms, spell out on first use, then place the acronym in parentheses following the noun: Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE).
  • Initialisms for countries do not take periods (United States/US, United Kingdom/UK).


  • EHN follows the footnote citation guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style by default, but any citation style followed consistently and correctly is allowed.
  • Footnotes should appear at the end of sentences, never in the middle.
  • Footnotes should be consolidated in order to reduce their total number throughout the piece.
  • One sentence should not have more than one footnote.
  • Online links included in the footnote should become hyperlinks on the name of the book/volume/journal.
  • See WordPress Guidelines below for formatting of footnotes.
  • Content editors should format footnotes using the guidance at the end of this style sheet prior to review editing.


  • All embedded links should open in a new window. To make a link open in a new window, you may need to x out of the hyperlink editing window, then click again on the editing option to open a window that shows a checkbox option for having the link open in a new window.
  • Text associated with the link should be as concise as possible, with single words or phrases rather than entire sentences.


  • Contributors should provide a cover image. Additional in-text images are not required, but can be included. 
  • The cover image should have a size of at least 1200 by 675 pixels.
  • For each image, provide a source as well as alt-text and an image description. These are different from a caption. An image description is a detailed explanation that describes the essential information in an image. In other words, you literally write out what you see. See e.g. here and here. Alt-text is a very brief description embedded into the image metadata when you upload and insert the image.

General Guidelines for WordPress

1. Put a draft up on WordPress

(If necessary, check in with Genie about WordPress access for contributor.)

Note: when previewing the piece, use the open in new tab option for optimal visualization.

2. Select post format + list contributor as the author

Select “Standard” as the post format for general submissions.
If a submission is part of a series (e.g. “Problems of Place” or “Politics of Nature”), select “Image” as the post format.

3. Add category + tags

Select “EHN Blog” as a category for general submissions.
If a submission is part of a series, select the appropriate category (e.g. “Problems of Place” or “Politics of Nature”).
Include the tags appropriate to the piece.

4. Add a featured image + optional excerpt

*Click on “Set featured image”

*Add new image by selecting one from your computer

*After adding the image, select the image you want as the featured image + then click on “Edit”

*Add alt text + click on insert

5. Add excerpt

Include a one-sentence excerpt for general submissions.
If a submission is part of a series (e.g. #problemsofplace or #politicsofnature), an excerpt is not necessary.

6. If a submission is part of a series (e.g. #problemsofplace or #politicsofnature), put the title in bold.

Add <strong> in front of title, </strong> at end

7. Add separator between the main text and the footnotes

8. Edit footnotes in code editor

*Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner to switch to code editor

*Find the first parenthetical reference

*Create the first parenthetical reference
Replace [1] with <a href=”#_ftn1″ name=”_ftnref1″>[1]</a> 

*And then just only change the number in each subsequent parenthetical reference
Replace [2] with <a href=”#_ftn2″ name=”_ftnref2″>[2]</a> 
Replace [3] with <a href=”#_ftn3″ name=”_ftnref3″>[3]</a> 

*Find the first footnote towards bottom of the page

*Create the first footnote
Replace [1] with <a href=”#_ftnref1″ name=”_ftn1″>[1]</a>

*And then just only change the number in each subsequent footnote
Replace [2] with <a href=”#_ftnref2″ name=”_ftn2″>[2]</a>
Replace [3] with <a href=”#_ftnref3″ name=”_ftn3″>[3]</a> 

9. Add alt text + image description for each image

10. Add a source + image description for the featured image below the footnotes