When I first initiated my doctoral project, I wasn’t thinking of any specific gender issue.

When I first initiated my doctoral project, I wasn’t thinking of any specific gender issue.
To put it most basically: how can you come to real conclusions regarding time in a place that for many months of the year, there is no day or there is no night?
Environmental crises, as a specific brand of crises, have a peculiar knack for not only exposing the nonsensical nature of many of our institutions and hierarchies by rendering them impotent but for also making plain human fragility.
Clam digging is wholly dependent on the rhythms of the shore. Beds are exposed when the tide is low, which is itself related to the patterns of the moon. Lowest tides often happen to be in the middle of the night, especially during a full moon.
Indian Affairs officials from Washington D.C. to the Lower Colorado River believed that milk, dairy, and beef (in other words, cows) would save the Indians in more than one way.
How do you make a palm tree grow on the page? How do you capture the feeling of April? These are the kinds of questions that William Stanley Merwin’s poetry may be able to answer.
Feral. The viscerality of this single word was enough to capture my attention. I had no idea that this book would introduce me to something so frighteningly obvious that I was almost angry that this concept was so new to me.
I had written almost exclusively about men. That’s something I realized after finishing my book manuscript.
Through the course of my PhD research, I found myself escaping with increasing frequency to parks of different kinds in the cities I made home.
With little attention given to the links that interconnect the pieces we have created, problems arise when trying to reconnect that puzzle. At these moments, we venture into the murky realm of interdisciplinary research.