A few miles northeast of Boulder, CO lies the Midwest in miniature—and where our crew from the Boulder Apple Tree Project sampled trees from Sarah’s orchard.
Environmental History Now.
Viewing Virtual Worlds: What Can Video Games Teach Us About Environmental History?
Some elements of gaming worlds are imaginary, and they can give insight into what’s around the game builders—or their hopes of what a better world looks like.
Hoofbeats in the Archive: Historical Animals’ Roles in Constructing Historical Narratives
Centering horses in historical narratives offers scholars a new lens for examining the past and our relationship with it.
Crip Cows?: Confronting Disabled Animals in the Archive
I met Katie in Washington, D.C. this summer in a box of files from the Smithsonian Institute Archives.
Taming the Rivers: Science on the Making in the Alluvial Gold Mines in Nineteenth-Century Antioquia, Colombia
Pedro Nisser made me rethink the way in which the technological innovation in mining happened in Antioquia.
Sharp Words: Etiology in Action
Fomites. I jotted the word down. The task seemed simple enough.
Aerial Photography of Melbourne from 1945: A Peephole Into Past Technology & Landscapes
The most surprising, and interesting find during my PhD candidature has been the historical aerial photography that is available for the city of Melbourne.