A Platform on Representation, Engagement, and Community
Author: Josephine Goldman
Josephine Goldman (she/her) is a casual academic at the University of Sydney. Her recently completely PhD project, entitled “Diving into heavy waters: Water and gender in contemporary francophone Caribbean and Oceanian art and literature”, explored how cultural and gender identity shape expressions of human-water relationships, the transnational networks of connection present in local imaginaries of water, and the capacity of water as a material which holds onto the past and incubates imaginations of new futures. She holds a BA (Hons) from the University of Sydney, and will soon be awarded her PhD from University of Sydney. She has published in the Australian Journal of French Studies, Francosphères, Literature & Aesthetics and French Studies Bulletin. Alongside Dr Giulia Champion, she is co-organiser of the Oceans ECRP Working Group, a multidisciplinary group of salt- and fresh-water scholars which meets bi-monthly - please get in touch if you are interested in joining!